For those interested in the history of the Golden Gophers on the gridiron, the following books are a great place to start. As these are generally out-of-print, your best bet on finding them is through out-of-print bookdealers. Another place to go is Barnes & Nobel, where their website actually features a search for such books. Good luck.... HISTORY OF MINNESOTA FOOTBALL, edited by Martin Newell, The General Alumni Association of the University of Minnesota, 1928 DR. HENRY L. WILLIAMS, A FOOTBALL BIOGRAPHY, by Stan W. Carlson, Ediotor & Publisher Stan W. Carlson, Minneapolis, 1938 100 YEARS OF GOLDEN GOPHER FOOTBALL, Edited by Ralph Turtinen, Men's Athletic Department of the University of Minnesota, 1981 MINNESOTA FOOTBALL- THE GOLDEN YEARS 1932-1941, by James P. Quirk, 1985 GOPHER SKETCHBOOK, By Al Papas, Jr., Nodin Press, Minneapolis, 1990, ISBN 0-931714-41-9 THE GAME BREAKER- The Story of Bruce Smith-Minnesota's Only Heisman Award Winner, By Tom and sam Akers, Edited by Arno Goethel, Ralph Turtinen Publishing Co., 1977 THE AUTUMN WARRIOR- Murray Warmath's 65 Years in American Football, By Mike Wilkinson, Burgess International Group, Edina, 1992, ISBN 0-8087-5262-6 GOLD GLORY, by Richard Rainbolt, Ralph Turtinen Publishing Co., 1972, Library of Congress Card Number 72-87121 THE GOLDEN GOPHERS, Edited by William S. Gibson, General Alumni Association of the University of Minnesota, 1935 The following books are not limited to our Gophers, but still provide a lot of info on our favorite team...... SID!, by Sid Hartman with Patrick Reusse, Voyageur Press, 1997, ISBN 0-89658-352-X MY LIFETIME IN SPORTS, by George A. Barton, The Olympic Press, Minneapolis, 1957, GOLDEN MEMORIES, By Ray Christensen with Stew Thornley, Nodin Press, 1993, ISBN 0-931714-52-4 BIG TEN FOOTBALL, by Mervin D. Hyman and Gordon S. White, Jr., Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc., New York, 1977, ISBN 0-02-558070-1 THE BIG NINE- The Story of Football in the Western Conference, by Howard Roberts, G.P. Putnam's Sons, New York, 1948 BIG TEN FOOTBALL, by John D. McCallum, Chilton Book Company, Radnor, Pennsylvania, 1976, ISBN 0-8019-6396-6 THE BIG TEN, by Kennth L. "Tug" Wilson and Jerry Brondfield, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1967, Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 67-20746 THE HISTORY OF AMERICAN FOOTBALL, by Allison Danzig, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1956, Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 56-9844 In addition, any credible history of the Big Ten, or College Football in general, should provide a great deal of information about Minnesota's historic football past. Many books speak of specific Gopher players or games, but a listing of books which fulfill that criteria would be too long to list here. Hopefully, this list will be of assistance to any Gopher fan wanting to research the Maroon & Gold.